Friday, February 15, 2008

HUJAN Limited Edition Tshirts!!!

HUJAN Merch - Limited Edition T-shirts are now open for pre-orders.

Very limited in numbers.
70 T-shirts only.
UK print.

Available in men's sizes - (ins)

SMALL 36" - 25 T-shirts
MEDIUM 38"-40" - 35 T-shirts
LARGE 42" - 5 T-shirts

Girls Fitted T - Size S - 5 T-shirts

One-side printing - Front only. Yellow print on Black T-shirt.
Design as in image above.

Price - £9.99 including VAT
£11.99 including VAT and Delivery.

Free 25mm round badges for earlybirds (50).

Open for pre-orders. Place your orders via Facebook - Ainuddin Hilmi or email KugiranHUJANkeUK Foundation at

* p/s: This is a pre-order campaign information. T-shirts will only be released in 10-14 days time.

Let's bring HUJAN to UK!


ijas said...

cr plg mudah ntuk dptkn cmne?=)

wnf wj said...

yo dudes..cube korg ltk countdown brape cd hujan yg da motivasi skit..huhu

wnf wj said...

hujan in cardiff gig 31st march???btol ke???ey moderator..bls la!!doinks..sile adakan shout box blk..susah la mcm ni... :(

kamal said...

to ijas - cara paling mudah untuk dapatkan cd depends on your location..kalau kat msia lambat sikit boleh dapat, kalau kat uk senang sket nk transfer duit etc

wnf wj - skarang total cd yg dah terjual ada around 90 cds..kite kene jual banyak2 lagi, at least 180 cds more..thats why we need your support..gig cardiff 31st march confirm, dah book venue dah

Nadya :) said...

mcm mane nak dpt cd ni?
and shirt?

kamal said...

hi nadya, can order both thru

Unknown said...

bro2 kat uk..
tlg cek mail bro..

p/s: im proud wt u guys! keep it up!

0mbak said...

weh klu aku kat msia nak shirt tue bleh???

antukecik said...

aku kat malaysia ni nak oder kat sape? brape ringgit.. pehtu bila smapai.. :D

kamal said...

sory guys because of shipping problems we no longer sell the tshirts to malaysia..we apologize for this guys

cds can still be bought thru our email